As a writing exercise, here are potential chapter titles for my dissertation. Following this list (which is in no particular order), there are three potential structures for the chapters. This exercise helped me think through some of the relationships of the different topics on my mind. As a follow-up exercise, I plan on mapping out some of the projects/series/methods I plan on making, as well as writings that I plan on reading.
This exercise has dissolved a lot of the fear/stress that I’ve felt about the task of writing the dissertation. It’s much easier for me to now view this undertaking as simply writing 10-14 essays that lead into each other.
This exercise also helped me cut out branches of research that I had planned on, i.e., the effect of repetition on a visual artist’s mind/mental health and body. While these two areas of research are still important to me and might come up in this project, they seem like they lead to a different set of questions and findings; they feel like an entirely different dissertation, based more in medical research.
Repetition and the Curatorial Remit
Repetition in Application: Composition, Concept, Process
Repetition to Cause Impact
Repetition in Thought and Theory
Disregarding Difference
Repetition vs. Recollection
Repetition and Failure
The Impossibility of Repetition: Time and Space
The Transformative Power of Repetition
The Implications of Repetition
Visual Satiation
The Labor of Repetition
Repetition in Thought and Theory
The Impossibility of Repetition: Time and Space
Disregarding Difference
Repetition vs. Recollection
Repetition and the Curatorial Remit
Repetition to Cause Impact
The Implications of Repetition
Visual Satiation
The Labor of Repetition
Repetition in Application: Composition, Concept, Process
The Transformative Power of Repetition
Repetition and Failure
The Implications of Repetition
The Transformative Power of Repetition
Visual Satiation
Repetition and Failure
Repetition to Cause Impact
The Labor of Repetition
Repetition in Thought and Theory
Repetition in Application: Composition, Concept, Process
Repetition vs. Recollection
The Impossibility of Repetition: Time and Space
Disregarding Difference
Repetition and the Curatorial Remit
Visual Satiation
Repetition vs. Recollection
The Impossibility of Repetition: Time and Space
The Implications of Repetition
Repetition and Failure
Repetition to Cause Impact
The Labor of Repetition
Repetition in Application: Composition, Concept and Process
The Transformative Power of Repetition
Repetition in Thought and Theory
Repetition and the Curatorial Remit
Disregarding Difference